
The methods available here are related to activity management: searching activities, cancelling them, approving them.


Retrieve activities associated with the current account, ordered by creation time.


  • query: A query string used to filter the returned activities. It can be one of the following space-separated criteria:
    • id:N: Search for activities with a specific ID.
    • parent-id:N: Search for children activities of a specific ID.
    • status:STATUS_NAME: Search for activities by status. The available values are undelivered, unapproved, delivered, canceled, failed, succeeded, and scheduled.
    • created-after:DATE: Search for activities created after a specific date or time, specified with the ISO-8601 format. The precision depends on how far you specify, for example 2011-01, 2011-01-01, 2011-01-01T10:30 are valid values.
    • created-before: Search for activities created before a specific date or time. The format is the same as created-after.
    • creator:EMAIL: Search for activities created by a particular person (specified by email address).
    • computer:CRITERIA: Search for activities related to the given computers. The criteria is itself another query argument to search computers. See Computer Queries for details.
    • type:TYPE: Search for activities of a specific type.
    • OR: This specific keyword can be used to combine criteria non-exclusively.
    • NOT: This specific keyword can be used to match the opposite of a criteria.
  • limit: The maximum number of results returned by the method. It defaults to 1000.
  • offset: The offset inside the list of results.

For example, the following request looks for the succeeded activities on the computers with the laptop tag, and limit the result to 20 elements:


The method returns a JSON serialized list of activities with a limit of 20, like the following result:

[{"id": 86,
  "delivery_time": "2012-03-06T18:52:09Z",
  "computer_id": 4,
  "activity_status": "succeeded",
  "result_text": "Installed!",
  "creator": {"email": "",
              "name": "Jane Doe",
              "id": 5},
  "creation_time": "2012-03-06T18:52:09Z",
  "package_ids": [36, 1127],
  "completion_time": "2012-03-06T18:52:09Z",
  "modification_time": "2012-03-06T18:52:09Z",
  "parent_id": 85,
  "deliver_after_time": null,
  "approval_time": null,
  "summary": "Install packages python-twisted-conch and python...",
  "changes": [{"package": "python-twisted-conch",
               "type": "install",
               "version": "1:0.8.0-1",
               "complemented": false},
              {"package": "python-twisted-mail",
               "type": "install",
               "version": "0.4.0-1",
               "complemented": false}],
  "type": "ChangePackagesRequest"}]

Some activities requested take an extended period of time to complete. These activities will not have discrete activity_status values. Instead they will report estimated percent complete in the progress field for the activity. The progress field will have one of the following values:

  • 0: if activity is not started
  • -1: if an error occurred
  • 1 to 100: percent complete of ongoing activity

Common examples of activities with progress would be syncing a pocket repository mirror or provisioning a new system.

For example, the following GetActivities request looks would report activities with ongoing progress something like the following:

[{"id": 73,
  "creator": {"email": "",
              "name": "Jane Doe",
              "id": 5},
  "creation_time": "2012-03-06T22:11:52Z",
  "pocket_id": 1,
  "id": 73,
  "computer_id": null,
  "summary": "Sync pocket 'release' of series 'lucid' in
  distribution 'ubuntu'",
  "parent_id": null,
  "pocket_name": "release",
  "progress": 37,
  "type": "SyncPocketRequest"}]


Retrieve a list of possible activity types for use with the type: query criteria.

For example, the following request gets a list of all possible activity types:


The method returns a JSON serialized list of activity types, like the following result:



Cancel activities associated with the current account.

This method takes one mandatory argument:

  • query: A query string used to select activities to be canceled.

For example, the following query will select activities of all computers with tag server and status undelivered and cancel them:

?action=CancelActivities&query=status:undelivered computer:tag:server

If any of the selected activities cannot be canceled, an HTTP 400 error is returned with an error message:

activity id => message 

activity id => message 

Returns a list of activities ids that were cancelled.


Approve activities associated with the current account.

This method takes one mandatory argument:

  • query: A query string used to select activities to be approved.

For example, the following query will select activities of all computers with tag server and status unapproved and approve them:

?action=ApproveActivities&query=status:unapproved computer:tag:server

If any of the selected activities cannot be approved, an HTTP 400 error is returned with an error message:

activity id => message 

activity id => message 

Returns a list of activities ids that were approved.